For screening and surveillance of Barrett’s esophagus, WATS3D is a guideline-included, AI‑powered diagnostic platform that helps significantly increase detection.
During your endoscopy procedures, the addition of WATS3D's proprietary wide‑area sample tool allows you to sample significantly more at-risk mucosa than forceps biopsies alone. It's easily incorporated into your practice, with a procedure time of just a few minutes.
performed by the endoscopist
Once the specimen is sent to a CDx lab, advanced imaging technology creates a 3D image of the sample improving visualization of Barrett's esophagus and dysplasia. Then, an artificial neural network screens 3D images, identifies abnormal cells, and ranks images by degree of significance for the pathologist to review.
performed at CDx
At the CDx lab, WATS3D technology helps pathologists make more reliable diagnoses, allowing for a ~3x greater interobserver agreement. This helps to significantly increase detection of Barrett's esophagus by as much as ~1.5x and HGD/EAC by ~4.2x.
performed at CDx
ASGE Practice Guidelines suggests using WATS3D for known or suspected Barrett's esophagus in addition to WLE with Seattle protocol biopsy sampling compared with WLE with Seattle protocol biopsy sampling alone.
AFS published a white paper supporting the routine use of WATS3D for the evaluation of Barrett's esophagus
SAGES TAVAC concluded “WATS3D is a safe and effective adjunct to forceps biopsies in the evaluation of Barrett's esophagus, LGD and HGD”